Lyrical Hip Hop – Ne Yo ‘Mad’ by Jeanine & Phillip, So You Think You Can Dance season 5

In order Ne Yo’s concert tomorrow,

I really can’t wait to see this song ‘Mad’,  i heard this song the first time on So You Think You Can Dance season 5 (yeah, i know, where have i been, super-late, yada yada yada :D)

Enjoy this dazzling lyrical Hip Hop by Jeanine (later winner that season) and Phillip

Choreographed by Tabitha D’umo and Napoleon D’umo.

One of my favorite dance performance of all season! 😀

Vektor ‘Exit Music (For A Film)’ (Radiohead cover)

Well i already post this on my Tumblr last year, but there’s no such thing keeping the good stuff to myself, right? 😀 And i just saw Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo & Juliet –which had this Radiohead’s song on its credit title –yesterday for the zillion times, so there’s that then. Tragic nostalgic feeling.

John & Lindsey (Vektor) cover Radiohead’s “Exit Music (For A Film)”

Wake from your sleep
The drying of your tears
Today we escape
We escape

Pack and get dressed
Before your father hears us
Before all hell breaks loose

Breathe, keep breathing
Don’t lose your nerve
Breathe, keep breathing
I can’t do this alone

Sing us a song
A song to keep us warm
There’s such a chill, such a chill

You can laugh
A spineless laugh
We hope your rules and wisdom choke you
Now we are one
In everlasting peace

We hope that you choke, that you choke
We hope that you choke, that you choke
We hope that you choke, that you choke

Other than original songs, they cover mostly Radiohead, Sia, Jeff Buckley and Feist songs. They even did a cover  for Kimbra‘s Settle Down early this year 😀 Dope!

Check them on Vektormusic Youtube channel

Download their songs/cover songs here

The Depreciation Guild ‘Butterfly Kisses’ (audio only)

I fell in love with this gauzy 8bit track almost two years ago, and it breaks my heart to hear about them breaking up 😦

fade till you see through me
but i won’t leave so soon
for whom do i still linger?
it is you
it is you

and i have never known such bliss
as a hand swept down accross my wrist
or an eyelash brushed accross my face
it’s like everything’s in place

fade till you see through me
but i won’t leave so soon
who do i still sing for?
it is you
it is you

fade till yo see through me
i’m a cold translucent blue
but it’s warm when you stand near me
oh, it’s true
yes, it’s true

and i have never known such bliss
as a hand swept down accross my wrist
or an eyelash brushed accross my face
it’s like everything’s in place

oh it’s you
yes it’s true

Download this song here: The Depreciation Guild – Butterfly Kisses

Such a lovely lyrics, ain’t it?. Formed in 2005, this dreampop Brooklyn band has released several singles & EP:

Nautilus EP (2006)

Dream About Me (2009)

In Her Gentle Jaws (2009)

Spirit Youth (2010)

Blue Lily (2010)

Such tragedy i haven’t got the chance to see them live 😦

Tennis ‘Marathon’ (audio only)

This Colorado duo also came from the same record label as Yuck; the one on my previous post. Since they have barely decent live session on Youtube, so this is only the audio version, guys 🙂


we didn’t realize that we had arrived at high tide, high tide
will we make it out alive?

not even once did we see a light
we didn’t realize the forecast had been revised
and moonless skies and shifty wind that gusts and dies

marathon how long we’ve been gone and still not yet set foot upon you


If you adore The Submarines or Best Coast, you’ll love the twinkling breezy indie-pop melody from this husband/wife Patrick Riley and Alaina Moore. Also check their other singles such as ‘Take Me Somewhere’ and ‘Cape Dory’. Good stuff 😀

Read about them on Pitchfork music-blog

Download their song here: Tennis – Marathon

Yuck ‘Holing Out’ (BBC Radio Session)

Found them on, one of my best finds yesterday 😀 This UK based alternative band formed at the end of 2009 and havin their self titled album comin out this February.  Listen to more of their songs, download them for free at their official blog:

Everybody says I can’t get through to you
Everybody says it’s just a point of view

Everybody says I can’t get through to you
I think about the time when I was close to you
Everybody says I can’t get through to you
Everybody says it’s just a point of view

The Cat’s Meow on The Dark Knight Rises

GQ photospread

Congratulation to Anne Hathaway for scoring the part of Selena Kyle/Catwoman in the upcoming and most anticipated Batman flick: The Dark Knight Rises.

As i were saying, Keira Knightley has no boobs to fill those latex, Jessica Biel is too muscular, while Anne has it all: the boobs, the sex appeal and THE EYES. It’s all about the cat’s  eyes.

Let’s see how this America’s sweetheart unleashed her darker side. Once she’s a promiscuous hispanic girl on Havoc (2005), it shouldn’t be a problem then :p

So, work that latex catsuit, woman!  (If any. There WILL  be a latex catsuit, isn’t there Mr. Nolan? :D)


Oh and also please welcome Tom Hardy as Bane.

If you’re not familiar with him, he’s the flamboyant Aames on Inception.

This English darling also known for Rock n Rolla, Layer Cake and Bronson

Welcome aboard. mate! 😀

The Kids Are Alright – review

Ok dalam rangka kesuksesan ‘The Kids Are Alright’ menyabet Golden Globe  untuk kategori Best Comedy or Musical just now, i might as well write the review about this movie x). Berkisah tentang seorang anak yang penasaran akan ayah biologisnya karena hidup dalam keluarga dimana orangtuanya adalah pasangan lesbian Nic (Annette Bening, top notch performance) dan Jules (Julianne Moore). Bermodalkan donor sperma yang sama, pasangan tersebut melahirkan dua orang anak; yakni  Joni (Mia Wasikowska) dan Laser (Josh Hutcherson). Pada usianya yang ke 18,  Joni atas permintaan Laser diam diam menghubungi bank sperma untuk memperoleh identitas ayah biologis mereka. Maka sampailah mereka kepada Paul (Mark Ruffallo), seorang supplier sayur dan buah serta pemilik restoran.

Paul, tidak kalah canggungnya saat akhirnya berjumpa dengan Joni dan Laser. Nic dan Jules juga terkejut bukan kepalang saat akhirnya mengetahui apa yang dilakukan anak-anaknya. Nic, yang paling dominan di keluarga mereka, merasa sedikit kecewa dan mulai merasa tersaingi kehadiran Paul sebagai figur ‘ayah’. Apalagi Paul, dengan sosoknya yang berkendara motor, slenge’an dan cenderung free-spirited nampaknya mendapat tempat khusus di hati anak=anaknya. Sebelum keterlibatan Paul dalam keluarga ini, rumah tangga Nic dan Jules sebenarnya sedang dirundung sedikit masalah. Setidaknya bagi Jules, yang merasa sikap control freak Nic berpengaruh banyak pada rasa percaya dirinya yang rendah dan upayanya merintis karirnya sendiri sebagai landscape designer. Akhirnya Paul menyewa Jules untuk merapihkan halaman di salah satu properti miliknya. Namun kemudian sekelumit krisis paruh baya ini bergulir di luar kontrol Nic, Jules dan Paul hingga menimbulkan berbagai drama dan konflik yang cukup krusial .

Jules: …marriage is hard… Just two people slogging through the shit, year after year, getting older, changing. It’s a fucking marathon, okay? So, sometimes, you know, you’re together for so long, that you just… You stop seeing the other person. You just see weird projections of your own junk. Instead of talking to each other, you go off the rails and act grubby and make stupid choices… You know if I read more Russian novels, then…

Sebenarnya agak janggal jika ‘The Kids Are Alright’ dikategorikan ke dalam Musical/Comedy. Obviously it’s not a musical, and definitely more drama than comedy. Bahkan cenderung satir. Namun memang Annette Bening patut diacungi jempol karena berhasil membawakan sosok Nic yang tegas, dominan, bahkan akan membuat penonton merasa sebal dan bersimpati pada Jules (well i did :D) and of course she won the Golden Globes for Best Actress in Comedy/Drama 😀 yay!. Sebelumnya agak sedikit tertipu, karena pada dugaan awal cerita akan lebih berfokus pada Joni dan Laser (Because they’re on the title, d’oh) tapi justru lebih berpusat pada Jules-Nic dan bagaimana kehadiran Paul mengubah bukan saja konsep keluarga mereka secara keseluruhan namun juga pada hubungan Jules dan Nic itu sendiri.  And i have to say, with those puppy eyes and one fine ass, it took no surprise if he could get any lesbian back to straight.  Wait, did i just give you guys a hint? ……N’ah, you have to see the whole story 😀

Well overall, the kids, the moms and the biological father are doin alright!


The Morning Benders ‘Excuses’ (Yours Truly Session)

A charming  strain of waltz melody to slow- dance to, from The Morning Benders

You tried to taste me,
And I taped my tongue to the southern tip of your body.
Our bones are too heavy to come up,
Squished into a single cell of wood.

I made an excuse.
You found another way to tell the truth.
I put no one else above us.
We’ll still be best friends when all turns to dust.

We are so smooth now.
Our edges are beaten, drift wood whittled down.
Old bodies slip when they make love.
We’ll mine our sparks to shoot us above!

Melt yet? 😀

The Submarines ‘Vote’ (Live)

I dig The Submarines ever since i heard them on OST Nick & Norah Infinite Playlist.

‘Vote’ is taken from ‘Declare A New State!’ album (2006)

And so you love me
Sometimes I’m fun
But you only need me until
The darkness takes the sun

I’m not saying
That there’s no hope for this
But you have tried
To change my mind
And we all know
Our system’s broken and I…
I’ll never vote again

Surfer Blood ‘Floating Vibes’

Forget the second coming
i need you in the here and now
instead of dreamin’ up a way to spread your name
across the world somehow

Such a fugly video for a pretty song 😀

‘Floating Vibes’ is one of their single from their debut album ‘Astro Coast’, 2010 made a acoustic video session with Surfer Blood, while they strolling along the streets of Albertina, Austria on November 2010. Here it is, ‘Twin Peaks’

Sleigh Bells ‘Infinity Guitars’

Now that’s one badass music and attitude. \m/

Originally from Brooklyn, they are Derek E. Miller (songwriter, guitarist, producer) and Alexis Krauss (vocalist, lyricist).

Alexis was a member of local girlband and Derek formerly a post-hardcore guitarist.

M.I.A.’s label N.E.E.T. signed them in Spring 2010 and Sleigh Bells released their debut full-length album ‘Treats’ on May 2010

Their mix of bubblegum synth-pop, crazy old school beats and fuzzy hardcore noise is just DOPE!


Check out Sleigh Bells on their myspace


\Also check their live performance Sleigh Bells ‘Crown on The Ground’ :

Cyrus – review

John (John C. Reilly) adalah seorang duda yang sedang mengalami krisis paruh baya. Belum lagi ia pulih dari perceraiannya tujuh tahun lalu, mantan istrinya Jamie (Catherine Keener) datang untuk mengabarkan pernikahannya. Khawatir melihat kondisi kehidupan sosial John yang memprihatinkan, Jamie mendorong John untuk datang ke pesta pertunangannya, sekedar bertemu dengan orang-orang baru yang mungkin bisa kembali membangkitkan rasa percaya diri John.

Lama tidak bergaul dengan orang banyak khususnya  wanita, polah tingkah kikuk John sepanjang malam nyaris berbuah kegagalan sampai akhirnya ia berjumpa dengan Molly (Marisa Tomei) yang sederhana namun memikat. Tiba-tiba saja semuanya berjalan begitu cepat, hingga mereka menghabiskan malam-malam berikutnya bersama. Selalu menyelinap pulang di tengah malam, ternyata ada sesuatu yang belum Molly ceritakan pada John.

Saat John memutuskan untuk diam-diam mengunjungi rumah Molly, alangkah terkejutnya ketika ia menemukan seorang penghuni lain disana, yakni Cyrus (Jonah Hill) seorang musisi amatir yang juga adalah anak lelaki Molly.

Uniknya, Cyrus tidak seperti anak laki laki berusia 21 tahun pada umumnya, tutur kata dan pemikirannya cenderung dewasa dan hubungan ibu-anak yang dijalaninya bersama Molly pun termasuk tidak konvensional. Awalnya John lega karena Cyrus terlihat menerima kehadirannya sebagai kekasih baru Molly. Namun ketika terjadi beberapa insiden janggal, John mulai ragu apakah sosok Cyrus yang simpatik selama ini benar benar tulus ataukah ada maksud tersendiri di belakangnya. Tidak ingin gagal dalam hubungan seumur jagungnya dengan Molly,  John mesti memutar otak untuk tidak terjebak dalam plot yang diam-diam disusun Cyrus.

Kisah Cyrus ini sesungguhnya cukup sederhana. Jika sepintas terkesan seperti kisah thriller, tenang saja, film ini drama tulen kok. Tidak rumit dengan intrik, hanya menceritakan drama sehari-hari namun dengan kemasan yang tetap asyik disimak :D. Jonah Hill, yang biasa tampil sebagai pendukung di film adult comedy seperti Superbad, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Knocked Up dan lain lain berhasil  menunjukkan bahwa ia mampu mengimbangi senior-seniornya disini seperti Reilly, Tomei dan Keener.

Yang menarik dari film ini tentu saja selain akting natural para pemerannya adalah camera movementnya yang sangat raw dan dinamis. Jarang sekali shotnya diambil secara still. Sutradara kakak-beradik Mark dan Jay Duplass nampaknya memang sengaja ingin memberikan sedikit gaya dokumenter pada film mereka ini. Jay Duplass sendiri sebelumnya lebih banyak berkutat dengan film pendek dan hasil karyanya di Sundance film festival sempat mendapat pujian. Sedangkan Mark, selain aktif mebantu kakaknya juga sempat menjadi aktor pendukung dalam film ‘Greenberg’ bersama Ben Stiller, dimana film ini juga mendapat ulasan positif dari para kritikus.

Simak juga beberapa lagu apik yang diputar pada saat credit title, yakni

Charlie Wadham ‘My Love’ serta Blind Pilot ‘I Buried A Bone’.

Overall, Cyrus adalah drama sederhana yang menggelitik, genuine sekaligus menghibur 🙂
